
Bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle.

You might say they're tapped out, so they're tapping in. More U.S. cities are phasing out bottled water from their budgets, according to a national survey released by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Those surveyed say they're switching to tap water instead because it's fiscally and environmentally responsible. Either way, it's a refreshing sign, and should be a nice kick in the wallet to the bottled water marketing cartel.
It also could be a boon to public water systems, which face a $22 billion annual shortfall while consumers load up on bottled water at grocery stores and cities waste millions on the bottles, says Corporate Accountability International.
Out of 101 cities that responded to the survey, 44 percent have taken action to phase out city purchases and use of bottled water, and 45 percent say it was done to promote public water use. Seventy-two percent of cities also have considered eliminating or reducing bottled water purchases within city facilities.
The mayors group conducted the survey following a 2008 resolution encouraging cities to get off the bottle.
Besides cities, states including Colorado, New York, Illinois and Virginia also have cut spending on bottled water.
Despite what the crystal blue bottled water companies tell you, bottled water is not good for you or the environment. Bottled water is less regulated than tap water. Bottled water consumes way too many resources like oil, and up to 40 percent of the bottled water sold in the U.S. is nothing more than tap water, put into plastic bottles and trucked to you, at a ridiculously inflated price. You're better off with a reusable BPA-free plastic water bottle or a water filter.
And by all means, raise your voice if you attend a government meeting and see your leaders drinking from pre-packaged bottled water.

Treehugger: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/06/us-cities-cutting-bottled-water-as-budgets-dry-up.php?campaign=daily_nl

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